My youngest loves to play in my floss and my oldest had it wrapped around her like a belt. I was so pissed. The ones they took the wrappers off of I will just set aside to make cording.
One top of that I'm having some problems with my WIP, Attack Cat. I ran out of the 414 I was using for the main body color. So, I went to my floss stash (before the dump fest), got a 414 and started to stitch with it. IT'S NOT THE SAME COLOR!!! It's lighter, has more blue in it. I don't know what's up and I've done too much to start over with the lighter color. Here's a pic. I don't know if you can see the difference or not.
It's the 4 bottom right rows on the right side of the picture. I guess I'll just keep on stitching on it and see how things look in the end.
~ Steph~